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Blood flow.
Due to the deep penetration of infrared rays (up to two inches into body tissue, MUCH deeper than traditional heating pads as you’ll see in a moment), there is a deep heating effect in the muscle tissue and internal organs
In fact, the American Heart Association found far infrared rays can almost TRIPLE blood flow (from a low of 5 quarts a minute to 13 quarts per minute).
But what does that have to do with pain?
With increased circulation comes more healing!
Areas of your body that are in pain release trapped toxins, inflammation and other waste. Fresh blood provides vital nutrients needed for healing. As a result, pain – even stubborn pain that has persisted for years – begins to disappear.
Muscles stop throbbing and aching. Inflamed joints loosen up. Those “sensitive zones” – the parts of your body that make you wince in pain with even the slightest pressure – become a thing of the past.
Muscles stop throbbing and aching. Inflamed joints loosen up. Those “sensitive zones” – the parts of your body that make you wince in pain with even the slightest pressure – become a thing of the past.